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Which platform will choose Facebook or You tube ?

Facebook vs You Tube 

Hello, and welcome , I am Eyamin from Eyamin 360. Today I will discuss about 2 platform and I also talk what's platform would you take and which are the best for beginners or experienced . So let's start..... 

So, I already said  my previous blog that Face book for creators or you tube monitization are almost same . So what's platform will you choose ?? 

Beginner : So at first I will say for beginners . As a beginners first of all take clear concept that you will go any platform . But if you get success you will give very good content as a you tuber or face book creators . When you give your best and you take very good content than you will make money easily at any platform . So let's start and make you to good contener .

Professional : Ok, if you already making video for you tube and you also success there so you think what i do ? Do I go leave you tubing or go to fb ? I thinks you will not good when you leave your you  tube platform . Already I am telling that if you a good conteinner you will give your video in any platform . And you will also share or publish  same video with your face book page . So I think it is not impossible for you .   You will make good video for your you tube you will also make video for face book . I sujjest you , you will take those platform because you are good contenner . 

 So carry on and make content as a professional and make money by those site . Best of luck . 

Thanks for reading blog . 

Till than Allah haffej . 

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