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How can you monetize your video ??

"Things You Need to Know"

Hello, and welcome I am Eyamin from Eyamin 360 .

Today, I will discuss with a great blog that is What things you need to know when you want to monetize your video in face book . So lets start .  

First of I will ensure that those video are share in your group or profile this type of video are not monetize just those video will monetize which are provide in your own page . That's clear ?

So if you want to enable monetize you will keep some requirement and this is : 

      Step :  1. At first you need 10,000( Ten Thousand) like in your                       Face book page . 

     Step :  2. You need have almost 30,000( thirty thousand) watch                         time in your video . 

     Step : 3. And you have to ensure that each video will have                              minimum 1 minute watch time , duration will                                   minimum 3 minute's . 

If you fulfill this all requirement you will application for monetize your Facebook page . 

So I think you will understand how can you work on it . 

And if you understood I will happy for that . 

So thanks for reading my blog . 

I will come again with an another informative blogs .

 Till than ALLAH HAFFEJ .  

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