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How can I create youtube channel ?

How Can I create Youtube Channel ?

Hello, what's up guys , I am coming after some days . But its been a while In this time I am coming with a exciting blog . I thinks already you will understand,Yes it is how can you create a youtube channel ? So let's start.... 

At first you have to take a gmail that's why you can sign in google . And then you will need to click in this your gmail icon and then go to "creator studio". Then click on to "create channel" . 

Give your display name or go to "brand account" name options . After going there give your channel name . Then you will need to go on the left and click this "box icon" and click "my channel" . 

Finally you will see your channel . After going your channel you will noticed various options . 

Such as "add channel art", "video manager" . If customize  your channel you customize it . 
But I thinks when you create your youtube channel then you will customize your channel step by step.
I will make another content of it . 
How can you add in google adsense , how can you publish your video . I will make content of it . 

Till then Allah Hafez . 

Thanks for watch and read my blog 

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