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How can I Sent Friend Request in Facebook Account

How can I Sent Friend  Request in Facebook Account ? 

Hello, what's up guys I am Eyamin from Eyamin 360. Today I am coming with an amazing topics what will be very easy if you are a leader in Facebook . But if you are a beginner in Facebook I think he does not know how sent friend request from Facebook . So I am just create this blog for them who don't know how it can work . As a blogger I request you if you a experienced of Facebook you will go now at this moment . 

So lets start I will learn how can you make it easily . 

At first you need to log in your  Facebook account and then you need to go home page of it . So when you go to your home page you will noticed many kind's  of bar on the top . Such as, "Your name Icon", "Home" and "Find Friends" .

 So When you going there you need to click on "Finds Friends' . So When you click it you will see some friend request if you have . Then you need to Scroll down and this time you will see a text that is " People you may know" . Then you will click"Add friend s" and if you removed it you will click remove . At that time you will sent more than 1000 friend request with some moment . 

So this is the way to sent friend request . 

I will come again with another good topic . 

Till than ALLAH HAFEJ .

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